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Story Catholic

Master Your Story, Impact The World.

Story Catholic helps Christians master their story and impact the world, led by Spirit Sanctified Editor In Chief and Educator, Teresa Yanaros. Teresa teaches how to share your testimony effectively and how to master the art of storytelling so people who go new age to Jesus and have other powerful testimonies can make a great impact on their audiences through a unique step-by-step method she delivers through an online academy.

Are you called to make an impact on the world through your story?

Are you looking at your project, fully aware of your calling, knowing that your passion, gifts, and talents are there- but you really need a roadmap to achieve the impact you want to make?​​


Do you struggle with throwing content spaghetti at the wall, unsure of how to hone in on your unique niche so you can rise to the top of the conversation online?


Did you know that the KEY to success is to understand your story so deeply that you’ll actually unlock the unique heart of your ministry?


My academy takes out all the guesswork.​​

What's Your Story?

The Lord has given you a 100 percent UNIQUE testimony of redemption. If you are feeling the CALL to gain clarity and become a trusted authority so you can reach the people you are uniquely equipped to help... I can help you.


The Clarity Accelerator Academy offers a step-by-step methodical approach that takes out all the guesswork in mastering your story to impact the world. Gain clarity, refine your unique voice, and learn exactly how to stand out as an authority in your sphere of influence.​

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Contact Information

4500 Mercantile Plaza #300

Fort Worth, TX 76137



© 2023 Spirit Sanctified

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