The chains of Satan are wrapped tightly around the Women's Health sector of the occult through the Law of Attraction. Let's look deeper.

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Read Other Articles in our Law of Attraction Article Series:
Defining Law of Attraction: "Like Attracts Like"
Because "like attracts Like” I remember to feel a constant pressure to be in a high vibrational state as often as possible, so that I would not attract something unwanted or “bad." I tried to practice being in the present moment as often as possible. I tried to escape from poor life circumstances that would “pull me down” and envision my dreams and hopes as often as I could, while meditating or before going to bed to make me “high” on gratitude and joy.
My life was only happening in my imagination. I would only feel joy whenever I was practicing. I was only focusing on the “Law” and not on the logical consequences that occur from daily escapism.
If I didn’t have enough money, I wasn’t faithful enough to believe in being worthy to manifest abundance. Everything that would happen in my life was either the result of being successful in manifesting or not.
Demons Keep You Hooked With Signs and Wonders
I felt so unworthy and depressed whenever I would feel pain or suffering. I became very scared that I would then attract bad things since it was not always possible to be grateful for everything.
It “worked” in small amounts, because the demons I was attracting with that practice made sure to please me with signs and wonders so I would think it is the right path, keep me from recognizing my own sin, and lead me away from Christ.
It “worked” in small amounts, because the demons I was attracting with that practice made sure to please me with signs and wonders so I would think it is the right path, keep me from recognizing my own sin, and lead me away from Christ.
Trying to Conceive? Law of Attraction is a Huge Trap!
The most heartache I felt was around my wish to have children. This went all the way from manifesting painless periods to envisioning my dream birth.
After my first miscarriage, I thought it was my fault. That I was not worthy enough of bearing children and still had too many unresolved traumas, which would make my vibration too low for a child that had a naturally high vibration.
Every aspect that enables women to birth children started to get influenced. I began to seek healing through many different practices.
Law of Attraction in Women's Health: The "Divine Feminine"
I searched for the high vibration that would properly enable me to practice the law of attraction and manifest my desires, which led me to a course where I could learn how to unlock my divine feminine powers.
This is another big influence of the Law of Attraction within the Woman’s Health sector of the occult. The deception of the “divine feminine” is a whole other topic itself, but concerning the Law of Attraction, there are things that need to be discussed.
There is a whole narrative being pushed, that because we are women, we would have a natural gift of creating and manifesting. The gift of bearing children was seen equal as to the power to create. The only thing a woman had to do, was “unlock” that full potential.
Worse Than Victim-Blaming: Neglect
I remember being in a group chat of women who were all in the program, who were pushing each other to practice “being in the moment” and “raise their vibrations."
If somebody was experiencing trauma or even founding themselves in violent and toxic relationships, the narrative of being responsible for suffering and success got further pushed and even worse: the neglect of possible dangerous situations.
I want to mention here that the amount of money it costs female practitioners of the Law of Attraction to “unlock” their divine feminine manifestation powers is unreal! When I started with that course it was about 350 Euros, now it went up to almost 8000 Euros. The market is booming!
Occult Practitioners: Damaging Lies Fueled by Satan
After a second miscarriage I was completely broken inside as I thought after all the work I have done, I was still not capable of bearing a child. This led me into more healing sessions, which made me buy into the narrative that it wasn’t only me but my baby’s choice as well.
Another stronghold began to grow, the belief in reincarnation and karma, which I will not discuss now but folds into the narrative. After one Thetahealing session, I was told both miscarriages were the same soul. A girl who would decide to come back very soon.
Because of that information given I thought I could finally manifest more successfully and be in close contact with her, which I thought should make her want to stay and get birthed.
Occult Pregnancy Practice: Hypnobirthing
I did get pregnant again and engaged in many different practices over the pregnancy. One of them is called Hypnobirthing.
It is a childbirth class that is internationally growing. The biggest part of this program is to learn how to have a painless birth. To achieve that the practice included learning how to use self-hypnosis, meditation, breathwork, and envision the birth as often as possible.
The birth did not go as I manifested it, still a beautiful birth experience overall. But it was painful so I thought I failed and there was something wrong with me. And once again the loop of “being responsible," “failing," and “not trying hard enough” started spiraling my mental health downwards.
What I Know Now: God is Sovereign Over the World and the Occult
Some commentary I would like to inject here as I am telling this story, I realize now that these mental and occult practices all fell short of the true healing power of Christ.
As many mental practices do, they did calm me down while birthing and helped me deal with stress. It looks nice on the surface. The issue is that relying solely on mental practices for peace gives false promises. The promise of being able to manipulate something that is not in our hands.
We do not have any control over death, nor do we have any control over birth. This might be a bitter pill to swallow, especially in the western highly advanced medical industry.
The underlying cause is overall the denial of the fall of men, the denial of sin and suffering. There is no birth without death. Birth is a sign of God's Grace. We should yield to HIM and not to the world nor to the occult.
It’s a problem on both ends. On one side there is the world and the worldly attempts to end pain and have control over “the dangers” of childbirth with partly unnecessary medical interventions. The other side is occult land and their attempt to do the same with practices that ironically lead to death.
Ok, back to the story.
A Demon Pretended to be My Unborn Son
Some months passed by and I felt happy for a while until my period started to be painful again, which made me go back right to where I found myself prior to the pregnancy. I got pregnant again and this time I wanted to make sure that the birth really went as perfect as I wanted it to. Because of a diagnosis I was given after my second miscarriage, it was impossible to find a midwife who would assist in home birth. However, this was still my dream so I tried to manifest it as best as I could.
The narrative of reincarnation and children choosing their conditions of birth, fit perfectly into it. I tried to find out what my unborn son’s birth wishes were so I could do my part in preparing as best as I could.
Of course, "he" (which I know now was a demon) told me he wanted to be born at home in the bathtub. Because I didn’t find a midwife, I started to prepare for an unassisted homebirth.
I neglected possible dangers because I was so convinced that his energy was so strong and that I could be just as strong, and manifest and do whatever. I felt as if I would achieve this dream birth and no one could stop me.
My Desire For Occult Power Blinded Me With Pride
It wasn’t only about having a dream birth... but about power.
Power to manifest and have total control over every aspect of my life. Even over life and death. It hurts to admit.
Luckily this was also the time when God started to deliver me. After my son’s birth, I didn’t feel as I thought I would after having an unassisted homebirth. I thought I would feel like a champion to finally achieve their goals. Instead, I felt very empty and broken.
To only focus on the positive can lead to neglect of serious issues we are facing in our lives. And it will NOT make suffering and pain magically disappear, it becomes a tool for how to bypass and run away from situations we could actually grow from.
Jesus Christ is the Only Way
And spoiler alert: Jesus Christ is the only one who will end suffering.
“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the former things have passed away.”
Until Jesus comes back, suffering and having negative emotions are part of the human experience. We can´t get away from them. We can lead them captive to Christ but not make them disappear.
Until Jesus comes back, suffering and having negative emotions are part of the human experience. We can´t get away from them. We can lead them captive to Christ but not make them disappear.
The Grace of God to Deliver and Restore
Luckily, God picked me up and restored me. I don’t know where I would have been now If I would have continued to live in that mindset.
The deception I found myself in was so deep. The Law of Attraction was not just a practice. After all this time it folded into almost every aspect of my life. It became a worldview, a belief system that I was holding onto very tightly.
It was a huge doorway for many practices and through it, I made agreements with the demonic. I attracted Satan, the father of Lies.
Deliverance is a Process: Fueled by the Power of the Holy Spirit
I am embarrassed by the depth of sin. I was engaged only looking at that one small brick in the huge wall of deception of the new age. And this is also why deliverance is a process.
Deliverance is a process, and in truth, a partnership.
A process of the renewal of the mind takes time and effort. The deception goes so deep. There are many blind spots that are revealed over time. Only because we experience the grace of deliverance doesn’t mean it’s done. This is where it begins. Jesus Christ saved me, a sinner.
And this is sincerely felt gratitude. I am filled with it. My heart is overflowing because the Love of God is greater than I could ever imagine.
Now it is time to do my part. To face my strongholds so they can be destroyed.
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About the Author
Noelle Kaiser, a Christian saved by Jesus out of occult bondage, shares stories of deliverance and salvation through Christ. Her mission as a Christian healthcare professional is to educate women deceived by new age deceptions about fertility, pregnancy, and childbirth. She is a German native and is married with two children.
Noelle was delivered out of occult bondage through the deliverance of her second son, Micah, after she called out to God to save her child from a complication during an unassisted home birth. Due to decades of occult engagement, Noelle strongly rejected any form of authority and had been completely deceived by pregnant and birth-related topics. Her state of mind while in occult bondage and the demons that were communicating with her led her to decide to have an unassisted home birth. After experiencing a supernatural encounter where the Lord delivered her son, Noelle experienced the grace and sovereignty of God.
As Noelle began to get freed of occult programming, Satan launched his next attack by luring her into an obsession with conspiracy media. She dove into deep conspiracy to find God, being deceived by the concept of "truth-seeking," but the Lord revealed that this was yet another system of bondage, that still did not hold the truth of God's character and plan.
She started to look into Roman Catholicism and exorcism related to occult bondage, discovered others that had gone “New Age to Christ,” and found the truth she had been looking for. She finally surrendered to God and to the ultimate authority over her life, Jesus Christ.
Noelle joined the Clarity Accelerator Academy in 2022 to help her turn actively toward Jesus Christ. As Noelle leaned into her deliverance process, she experienced demonic oppression, obsession, and vexation, yet she remains faithful as the Lord continues to reveal his faithfulness to her. She is a vigilant prayer warrior and continues to lean in full force to her complete deliverance. She is in the process of getting theologically grounded, dismantling occult strongholds, and renewing the mind. She is dedicated to daily prayer and Scripture study and sacramental worship with her local church community.
Her passion is now to help others to get freed from bondage to build up the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Savior.
INTERESTED IN THE ACADEMY? If you are a Christian who left the new age, apply to join the CLARITY ACCELERATOR ACADEMY. The Academy takes the entire process from start to finish of getting oriented after leaving the new age, grounding into theology and spiritual warfare, deprogramming new age lies, renouncing Satan's influence, remaining delivered, and establishing a firm context for Christian living and spiritual formation, bible study, how to pray, how to share the gospel, how to build your testimony, how to share your testimony, and put it ALL into this academy. IT WORKS. People's lives are being transformed by this framework, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Jesus, for deliverance!
Follow Noelle on Instagram.
Noelle is a staff writer for "Real Stories" with Spirit Sanctified.
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