I’ve been invited to attend a deliverance ministry course at the University of the Vatican, the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum.
I’m going to Rome.
I’ve been invited to attend a course for deliverance ministers at the University of the Vatican, the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum.
The Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum (Italian: Pontificio Ateneo Regina Apostolorum) is an educational institute of the Catholic Church in Rome.
This whole thing, I can assure you, is quite surreal, and I am beyond humbled.
I will be there in May with exorcists and lay ministers from all over the world, to share ideas and fieldwork across ministries worldwide.
Spirit Sanctified Fills a Global Need.
Last year in 2022 during the annual Athenaeum course, I was able to listen into some of it remotely, and I heard a consistent thread come up during the Q&A and during conversations with deliverance ministers and exorcists from all over the world.
They kept mentioning a gap in the process, a NEED for the victims to have someone walk alongside them during their journeys of deliverance.
It was like music to my ears. I was already filling this gap.
Called to Launch the Clarity Accelerator Academy
In December of 2021, the Lord called me to launch an academy to help people in the difficult throes of getting freed from occult bondage and attempting to get theologically grounded, dismantle mental and demonic strongholds, and tether fully to Christ.
I started interviewing people from all over, to learn about their struggles and needs. I launched my program in 2022, after developing a unique curriculum to help spiritually afflicted persons to dismantle an occult worldview and form a Christian worldview.
Learn about what they say about the program here:
Fruits of the Ministry
After leading another group of students through an 8-week intensive of my program in 2023, which was completed right before Lent started, I was beyond humbled to see three students move forward with getting anchored into local communities.
At the Easter Vigil, one was confirmed Roman Catholic, another baptized Orthodox, and another confirmed (with her family) in the Anglican communion.
I am so pleased to see this ministry bearing fruit. And now I get to go to Rome to actually be IN person during the class this year. I can’t even believe it is happening.
Spirit Sanctified: Combatting Occult Infiltration
Spirit Sanctified advocates for the spiritually afflicted, helps them understand occult bondage and deliverance, and helps them get fully reformed and anchored to Christ, so they can turn around and help others.
Our overall mission:
Spirit Sanctified combats occult infiltration in society by illuminating the issue, advocating for the afflicted, and instigating change.
Deliverance Ministry Training: Society of Saint Michael
Another ministry of which I am a part is the Society of St Michael, which advances the deliverance ministry through cultivating informed leadership, building effective teams, and providing spiritual intervention.
I serve as Director of Education, and I have spent time traveling with the leadership team, training Anglican clergy who are stepping up into this ministry.

The need for solid deliverance ministries is growing every day, as this world and especially this country is turning more and more to pagan beliefs and practices. The occult is becoming more normalized than ever before, bringing with it spiritual issues.
These ministries into which the Lord has called me help to fill that education gap and also to lead the afflicted to healing and deliverance in Jesus Christ.
A Dream Come True
The invitation to go to Rome seemed like a dream out of reach.
But it started to become real when my letter of endorsement was accepted, and after submitting my letter of intent, CV, and application, I was accepted.
It was official! Then sponsors began to step up to help me actually pave the way to make Rome a reality.
An Enormous Thank You to All Sponsors
I want to thank those of you who have already sponsored me, to help me get to Rome so I can continue to grow my ministries and lean into this call that the Lord has placed on my heart.
Ever since leaning into this call fully, my life has basically been a zoo. Every step has been extremely hard, with much spiritual warfare, and many twists and turns. But God is faithful, and I know that I am being sanctified and grown into a different level of soldier for Christ.
Amidst all of the crazy, God has consistently shown me the OPEN DOORS. He has continued to demonstrate clearly where the FRUITS of this ministry are. And I am just keeping my eyes locked on Jesus and allowing whatever doors he is closing to close, and trusting in the open doors.
I could not do any of this without the amazing ministry partners that the Lord has called to my side. And the ambassadors and sponsors that believe in what I am doing.
Please Prayerfully Consider Partnering
If you are called to sponsor me and my ministry, Spirit Sanctified, please prayerfully consider signing up to be a patron on Patreon where you set up a monthly contribution by clicking here: https://www.patreon.com/teresayanaros.
Or if you’d like to make a one-time donation, you can sponsor my trip to Rome here: paypal.me/TYanaros
Thank you for celebrating this huge movement with me.
God bless you all! And if you have thoughts, ideas, questions, or comments, feel free to comment below or you can email me at contact@spiritsanctified.com.
Please stay tuned for more updates as my Rome trip unfolds.
About The Author
Teresa Yanaros, a degreed journalist with a passion for Jesus, has dedicated her life to investigating media, exposing occult lies, and driving home the truth of Christ. Earlier in her career, Teresa was a successful author who gave speeches and practical workshops across America, after publishing a book that investigated the phenomenon of modern American online spiritualism and attempted to reconcile her Roman Catholic roots with new-age practices. She then had a radical deliverance experience from the occult and now coaches Christians who left the new age to follow Jesus. With over 1M views on her YouTube channel, Teresa has impacted viewers across the world who seek to look deeper at spiritual warfare and how Satan deceives through occult traps in media. After going #newagetoJesus she attended seminary classes and continues to research, investigate, and share information about the new age deception, occult deliverance, spiritual warfare, and Christian theology.
She is at the helm of a Christian blog, Spirit Sanctified, which combats occult infiltration in society by illuminating the issue, advocating for the afflicted, and instigating change. She runs an academy to help people leaving the occult reform an occult worldview and build a Christian worldview, as they are going through their deliverance process.
INTERESTED IN THE ACADEMY? If you are a Christian who left the new age, apply to join the CLARITY ACCELERATOR ACADEMY. The Academy takes the entire process from start to finish of getting oriented after leaving the new age, grounding into theology and spiritual warfare, deprogramming new age lies, renouncing Satan's influence, remaining delivered, and establishing a firm context for Christian living and spiritual formation, bible study, how to pray, how to share the gospel, how to build your testimony, how to share your testimony, and put it ALL into this academy. IT WORKS. People's lives are being transformed by this framework, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Jesus, for deliverance!
Teresa is the founder of Spirit Sanctified.
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