God miraculously delivered my son during childbirth. And through that, he delivered me from occult bondage into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

Conversations With God Led me into Occult Bondage
My whole life I rejected any form of authority. I rebelled against my parents, teachers, “the system,” and worst of all: against God.
At age 16, I was introduced to a book by a new-age author N.D. Walsch called Conversations with God.
Satan got my full attention and acceptance of taking the worldview presented in this book as my authority and guidance growing up. I started slowly to communicate (channel) what I thought was God.
I Thought I was My Own Authority
A year later I was in a car accident, and within a nanosecond, I heard a voice that asked,
“Do you want to live or die?"
I said to myself,
"I want to live!"
After making it out alive, I considered what this experience meant. This was a huge hook for the enemy. The "proof” of having my life into my own hands, being my own authority, and in the end, a goddess myself.
My mental health got very bad after this event. Nightmares, sleep paralysis, depression, panic attacks, and social anxiety were my normal.
The Hamster Wheel of Occult Practices
At this point, the hamster wheel of occult practices started.
Only while practicing Yoga, meditating, pulling cards, or channeling, would I feel at peace, so I felt as though I had to go back over and over again.
I was chasing one healing session after another in the desperate desire to get healed.
Miscarriages Motivated Witchcraft Practices
After two miscarriages in 2017 and 2019, I was completely broken inside.
Because of the painful experience of losing a child, I got deeply into divine goddess teachings, feminism, and any movements fueled by the new age that were related to pregnancy and childbirth.
I got deeper into the Law of Attraction and manifestation to attempt to fulfill the desire to have children.
I finally got pregnant again and birthed my daughter in 2020, battling between the joy of motherhood and depression.
New Age Worldview Advocates Dangerous Mentalities
In 2021, I got pregnant with my second child. Completely operating in the new age worldview, I thought my child would decide where and how he was going to be born.
Because of the many pacts I had made with demons over the years that resulted in demonic attachments, I thought I could communicate with my son. The demons pretending to be my son told me,
"I want to be born at our house."
I believed that the demons were my son talking to me. So I listened to the demons and prepared to carry out this request. Because I wasn't able to find a midwife, I prepared for an unassisted home birth. The decision to have an unassisted home birth aligned with my worldview of rejecting any authority. I believed the patriarchal birth industry was something I believed I had to fight against. Little did I realize how dangerous believing this lie was until later.
The decision to have an unassisted home birth aligned with my worldview of rejecting any authority. I believed the patriarchal birth industry was something I believed I had to fight against. Little did I realize how dangerous believing this lie was until later.
Started to Question New Age Beliefs
While preparing for birth, a shift started to happen inside of me. I noticed my thought patterns change. I noticed how I started to question my new age beliefs. My behaviors started to change. I threw out all my new-age books and items.
I tried to empty myself through altered states of consciousness and transcendental meditation to become a “clear vessel” to birth my son.
The boy I used to see in my imagination, who I now recognize as a demon, told me not only where he wanted to be born but what his name was going to be. A little bit after I got rid of the occult items and started changing my practices, he disappeared. Since he disappeared, I figured I could change my son's name.
I changed his name to Micah which means, Who is God? I didn’t even realize that at that point! Looking back, I know this is where Jesus stepped in and took my unborn son under his authority.
DISCLAIMER: The following segment shares parts of my birth story which might be triggering. I was very well informed and prepared and there are many women having beautiful unassisted homebirth stories. However, I would not choose an unassisted home birth again.
My Unassisted Home Birth
After my son’s head was born, his shoulder got stuck.
I had a moment of sobriety and cried out to God to save my son. Immediately I knew what to do. I turned around and birthed him.
And through his deliverance, he delivered me.
The Trap of Obsession With Conspiracy Media
Deliverance is a process, and Satan tries to hang on. On the way out of occult bondage, Satan trapped me with another system of lies: obsession with conspiracy media.
After Micah’s birth, I felt completely empty. I didn’t want to go back into the new age. I knew it was wrong and that I had to find God. But I didn't have any spiritual guidance so I was left floundering and confused about where to find him.
I was still rejecting authority, religion, and the Bible. These were all things I was taught to believe were things I should be scared of.
So I looked to conspiracy media.
Since conspiracy land was full of “truth-seekers," I thought perhaps they would show me who God was. God tried to show me more than once that conspiracy media was clearly not where I would find him. Because I didn’t fill my emptiness with Jesus Christ right away, demonic forces could easily jump in and tried to pull me down.
Because I didn’t fill my emptiness with Jesus Christ right away, demonic forces could easily jump in and tried to pull me down.
NOTE: The "middle ground is NOT the place you want to be! When you turn from the occult, you MUST turn to Jesus Christ. It's not enough to just turn away from the occult, you must turn fully to Christ so the emptiness may be filled with the Holy Spirit or your spiritual situation will greatly worsen. (Luke 11)
I got paranoid and depressed again.
Occult Bondage to the Kingdom of Jesus Christ
Thank God, he was working strongly in my life. I started to research Roman Catholicism and exorcism related to occult bondage. I found Teresa Yanaros' YouTube Channel and I found that the answer wasn't all these lying systems of the world. It was Jesus all along. I finally surrendered to Jesus Christ, coming under the authority of the one true God for the first time in my life.
I became a student of the Clarity Accelerator Academy, got theologically grounded, set up a plan for dedicated spiritual formation, found a local church, and took on a practice of daily prayer and reading the Bible. I started to actively work on the renewal of the mind by dismantling occult strongholds.
True Freedom in Christ
I finally found true freedom in Christ and a peaceful mind.
I am freed and healed from any depression or confusion.
I enjoy my life. I am happy.
Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior.
He saved my life and more importantly, he saved the life of my son.
About the Author
Noelle Kaiser, a Christian saved by Jesus out of occult bondage, shares stories of deliverance and salvation through Christ. Her mission as a Christian healthcare professional is to educate women deceived by new age deceptions about fertility, pregnancy, and childbirth. She is a German native and is married with two children.
Noelle was delivered out of occult bondage through the deliverance of her second son, Micah, after she called out to God to save her child from a complication during an unassisted home birth. Due to decades of occult engagement, Noelle strongly rejected any form of authority and had been completely deceived by pregnant and birth-related topics. Her state of mind while in occult bondage and the demons that were communicating with her led her to decide to have an unassisted home birth. After experiencing a supernatural encounter where the Lord delivered her son, Noelle experienced the grace and sovereignty of God.
As Noelle began to get freed of occult programming, Satan launched his next attack by luring her into an obsession with conspiracy media. She dove into deep conspiracy to find God, being deceived by the concept of "truth-seeking," but the Lord revealed that this was yet another system of bondage, that still did not hold the truth of God's character and plan.
She started to look into Roman Catholicism and exorcism related to occult bondage, discovered others that had gone “New Age to Christ,” and found the truth she had been looking for. She finally surrendered to God and to the ultimate authority over her life, Jesus Christ.
Noelle joined the Clarity Accelerator Academy in 2022 to help her turn actively toward Jesus Christ. As Noelle leaned into her deliverance process, she experienced demonic oppression, obsession, and vexation, yet she remains faithful as the Lord continues to reveal his faithfulness to her. She is a vigilant prayer warrior and continues to lean in full force to her complete deliverance. She is in the process of getting theologically grounded, dismantling occult strongholds, and renewing the mind. She is dedicated to daily prayer and Scripture study and sacramental worship with her local church community.
Her passion is now to help others to get freed from bondage to build up the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Savior.
INTERESTED IN THE ACADEMY? If you are a Christian who left the new age, apply to join the CLARITY ACCELERATOR ACADEMY. The Academy takes the entire process from start to finish of getting oriented after leaving the new age, grounding into theology and spiritual warfare, deprogramming new age lies, renouncing Satan's influence, remaining delivered, and establishing a firm context for Christian living and spiritual formation, bible study, how to pray, how to share the gospel, how to build your testimony, how to share your testimony, and put it ALL into this academy. IT WORKS. People's lives are being transformed by this framework, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Jesus, for deliverance!
Follow Noelle on Instagram.
Noelle is a staff writer for "Real Stories" with Spirit Sanctified.
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